Images from Golden Temple, Bylukuppe

Images from Golden Temple, Bylukuppe

Two months after my bike trip to Coorg, I was back in that beautiful district. But this time the visit was for half day & restricted to Namdroling Monastery at Bylukuppe. Being a Saturday, the Monastery was buzzing with activity, but inside the Golden Temple it was complete silent and peaceful.

Images from Golden Temple, Bylukuppe

A student monk. He was more interested looking out of the class room instead of listening to the lectures.

Images from Golden Temple, Bylukuppe

Paintings inside the temple are huge, beautiful and very nicely done.

Images from Golden Temple, Bylukuppe

Images from Golden Temple, Bylukuppe

My visit was of very short duration. Just touch and go. This place is still there in my list of places to be visited 🙂


  1. I have meditated there once. Again, thanks for reminding me of the beauty of my home, again and again. I think of you often when I do the Bangalore-Hassan stretch. Last time we passed a group of bikers on that highway and wondered if you were among them!

  2. I love the way bylukuppe makes you forget where you are and it is like you have just stepped into a whole new world in the middle of nowhere! when i first went there, i was truly surprised and amused at the same time! i cant wait to go back there again!!

  3. Bylukuppe monstery is simply marvellous you just forget the world. golden temple and the atmoshphere inside is to be enjoyed then only u will understnd the silence and its importance. thanks PM for taking back down the lane


  4. Thanks Shashi. I too remembered you when I was near Hassan during my recent bike trip to Udupi.

    Vrisha, thanks for the visit

    Thank you Pranesh sir 🙂

  5. beautiful pics..reminded me of the trip i made in 2000 when we were just two gals and we stayed in the camp..we used to go to the university at 2 am and we used to listen to the was an amazing experience

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