Flashback 2011

I tried hard not to write ‘year that was’, but couldn’t contain myself. Hesitation to not write was due to two main reasons – one, travel took a back seat though I flew to a different continent in the beginning of the year and two, writing too took the other remaining back seat.

Flashback 2011Long walks on the banks of river Don

First week of the year 2011 saw me packing my bags and travelling to UK, my third visit in as many years – which was exactly on this date. First quarter was dormant one, thanks to winter. I was restrained to four walls except for few long walks along the river Don, which flows right next to the place I was staying.

Flashback 2011Balmoral castle, one of the residences of British royal family

Second quarter and first month of third quarter saw me exploring the castles of Scotland, mostly in Aberdeenshire. Castles I visited ranged from completely ruined (Urquhart castle, Dunnottar castle to inhibited by the royal family (Edinburgh castle, Windsor castle). In between the visits to castles I went on a hike to Bennachie, a mountain west of Aberdeen – a hike after more than two and half years!

Flashback 2011 | PAYANIGASt Paul’s cathedral, as seen from the far end of the Millennium bridge

Third quarter turned out be a fruitful one in terms of travelling. I was in London for a week – acting as a guide to my mom who was visiting me. I felt strange to visit a place as a tourist where I had lived some time. In a way it helped me to plan our outings during the week and being a guide I ended up revisiting most of the major tourist places in London (Photo sets one and two). In that week’s time I managed to visit Warwick castle and Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’ birthplace.

Flashback 2011 | PAYANIGALeuchars air show

Fourth and final quarter was the pick among all as I paid a visit to home and a well deserved break of two and half weeks. And before my vacation, I got to witness an airshow at Leuchars. That was my 2011 in terms of travel, a relatively dull one. But only to start the new year with a bang – we almost got stranded at the base station of Cairngorm mountain due to snow storm. But thanks to the staff of Cas bar at Cairngorm mountain who helped us to safely get back, await for more details.


  1. Great summary for 2011! Hope you travel more and write even more in 2012! Happy New Year Prashanth!

  2. I’ve always wanted to visit the UK but never gotten a change. it’s kinda my dream. lovely pics BTW. 

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